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[美国/四级]爱的永恒 An Eternal Love 2010(经典养眼唯美浪漫情色电影)
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【影片名称】:爱的永恒 An Eternal Love 2010(经典养眼唯美浪漫情色电影) 【影片大小】:705MB 【影片时间】:01:34:33 【影片格式】:MP4 【是否有码】:无 【剧情介绍】:
他们的爱的深度很深,它继续穿透她的灵魂长后他走了。艾米莉的丈夫布莱恩去世前两年,但她已经不能够与她的生活前进。她仍困扰他的鬼魂 — — 她看见他看着她,她听到他打电话给她,和她感觉他在她里面。刘慧卿被折磨永恒的爱。但当突然造访由英俊的英国音乐家,汤姆和艾米莉的朋友,莎莎和鲍比,引发了激情和埃米莉的生活逐渐升温。将布莱恩幽灵再现和阻碍艾米莉的机会与新的火焰吗?新感觉 ︰ 浪漫礼物永恒的爱,浪漫和欲望在其最具生命力的故事。
The depth of their love runs so deep that it continues to penetrate her soul long after he is gone. Emily’s husband Brian passed away two years ago, but she has not been able to move on with her life. She is still haunted by his ghost — she sees him watching her, she hears him calling her, and she feels him inside of her. Emily is tormented by An Eternal Love. But when a surprise visit is made by handsome British Musician, Tom, and Emily’s friends, Sasha and Bobby, passion is sparked and Emily’s life heats up. Will Brian’s ghost reappear and hinder Emily’s chance with a new flame? New Sensations: Romance presents An Eternal Love, a story of romance and lust at its most spirited.
